Instalar STPIVOT (ingles)

To deploy STPivot in your JPivot war, all you need to do is:

download from :
1. Extract downloaded stpivot-classic*.zip somewhere in your filesystem. Copy the content of "tomcat/webapps/jpivot" into your actual jpivot war deployment.
2. Edit JPivot's web.xml ("tomcat/webapps/jpivot/WEB-INF/web.xml") to add lines containned in "tomcat/webapps/jpivot/WEB-INF/add-to-web.xml" 3. Edit JPivot's datasources.xml ("tomcat/webapps/jpivot/WEB-INF/datasources.xml") for configuring your connection (in case of need to use a connection different to fo ODBC, e.g JDBC) 4. Edit xml files in the directory 'tomcat/webapps/jpivot/stpivot/queries" for running examples. In this files you must configure your connection credentials (in case of need to use a connection different to fo ODBC, e.g JDBC) . 3. Restart Tomcat (or your current server of choice) 4. Test if it works by going to "http://localhost:8080/jpivot/stpivot/", and opening provided links. Please, visit the project home ( to give your feedback and contributions. ROADMAP . Upgrade charting engine, perhaps using some new javaScript library such as HighCharts. . Build a new PivotComponentView for Pentaho, to enhance definition of clickables and XML/A mode . Rewrite the whole frontend, using dojo as the foundation for user interface. . Replace jpivot tags and libraries for those provided by Olap4j, alog with the possibility to interact with a wider range of OLAP providers. . Improve stats summary when selecting table cells . Enhance the exporting features (allow users to indicate the name of file, include the slicer in result, ...) . Review I18N of the entire UI KNOWN ISSUES . Multiple links over one member doesn't work as expected in Explorer or Chrome (the dialog gets open to far away from cursor). CHANGE LOG From stpivot(beta version) to stpivot(v1.0): . "Save" and "Save as" options enabled . Enhanced MDX Editor (now using CodeMirror) . Easy to use multi-cell selection, in order to obtain quickly the Sum, Avg, Min & Max . Navigator buttons allways on top-right side (as suggested by Andrea Pasotti) . Updated & Tested to work with Pentaho biserver-ce from version 3.6.0 to 3.9.0, and code cleansed to reduce differents blocks compared with original Pivot.jsp (from Pentaho) . Posibility to externally change the MDX query (ie: when in an iFrame) and refresh the viewer without reloading the entire page. . New formula editor functionality to add/edit CalculatedMembers and NameSets. . New workaround to link members (using <jp:clickable> tags) in a parameterized fashion . Posibility to access cubes in XMLA mode. . Sample code added to demonstrate new features From original Pivot to stpivot(beta version) . Ajax interface . Use of jQuery to handle user interactions . Highlighted MDX syntax in the editor (based on CodePress) . Easier edition of charts (resizing with mouse, icons for options) . New set of icons


  1. Hi,

    I have this problem, when i run http://localhost:8089/jpivot/stpivot/

    Estado HTTP 404 - /jpivot/stpivot/

    type Informe de estado

    mensaje /jpivot/stpivot/

    descripción El recurso requerido (/jpivot/stpivot/) no está disponible.

    Apache Tomcat/6.0.29

    I could have done wrong?


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